Friday 17 August 2012

Nearly a year in the saddle

Im about ten months into the sport now and the pace shows no signs of slowing. If anything I'm getting worse. My names Robin and I'm an addict. :D Since my last proper post I've managed to aquire a complete set of ozone razors and there the only kites I seem to fly with exception of the trusty 3m brooza. Lovely to fly so responsive and soo fast when there well lit up. 2.5 had had me up to 44 odd mph but coulda gone faster that day with more space. Winters not far off though. :) Speed wise I managed to crack 46.1 on me 3m brooza, nutty winds and not a lot of beach but somehow I got myself to 46.1 in about 300 meters before hitting a pothole flat out and poping the buggy up on two wheels. Somehow I managed to keep myself in the buggy and lived to tell the tale. About a month previous to this i had a very close call while flying the 2.5 Razor. Once again I hit a pothole at speed but instead of riding them out like I usually would I got bounced onto the buggybag as the kite whipped behind me. Somehow managed to redirect twice without thinking and came to a softish landing about 30foot closer to the sea wall. Made my kite safe then looked for my buggy which had ended up 50 m down the beach thankfully stopped by the sea wall. Loads of light wind flying and feeling quite competent on the bigger kites now but we've had a real good summer for winds so far and the small kites have had a good bit of use. After getting back from truckie villas last year I was determined to crack a few of the more difficult turns and I chose the downloop suicide gybe as my first to try. Mainly because I'd been doing a variant of it through necessity and already had an idea what to expect. Xshore winds blowing 25 mph and built higher as the evening progressed. 3m brooza, my trusty go to kite and off I went. Few false starts but pulled em off pretty easy after that. Spent a lot of time playing around with em since and still get a wkd buzz out of it. Suicide gybes were next and I recently set about cracking em. Very comfortable throwing them in high winds but low wind still needs refining. Shouldn't take long the way I'm going. Once again I realised I'd already been doing them while flying my 8.5 as it just seemed an natural way to turn it without the kite falling out of the sky. My trusty flexifoil buggy has had its day. Definitely outgrown it and have secured a chameleon that il be picking up in September at a kite meet. While I'm there I will also be picking up a nice set of duros to replace the bigfoots on the cam a couple of libre disks and a set of 3 gsx disks to play with this winter. Determined to break 60 this winter. Bigger buggy with better sideways support means I can fly well powered up without getting dragged out sideways and the disks and bigfoots should give me the lateral grip I need to match.

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